The Site Enablement Platform for Sponsors

Discover how Florence’s Site Enablement Platform helps sponsors support site operations, strengthen site relationships, and accelerate clinical trials.

Study Closeout


Signed. Sealed. Submitted.

Close out your studies on time with improved TMF submission quality, compliance, and completeness.

Integrate site documents with the eTMF through automated quality control workflows, using seamless methods like API integrations, email, and drag-and-drop. Equip sites with long-term archiving included.

How Florence Streamlines Site Closeout

A direct integration between the sites eISF (where 80% of your study documents live) and your eTMF, coupled with advanced QC capabilities, accelerate site closeout and speed study submission.

Collect Site Documents in Real-Time

Don’t wait on the end of the study for a shipment of boxes, or even a CRAs visit to the site, automatically sync finalized and approved site documents back into your eTMF when ready so you’re master file is always up-to-date.

Automate QC Workflows

Built-in quality control workflows enable easy review, approval and route for update capabilities across every document at every site in your study.

Improve TMF Pass Rates

Built-in QC workflows coupled with real-time remote monitoring and a robust eTMF integration increases average TMF document pass rates to 98%+.

Integrate Directly with eTMF

Advanced API integrations allow you to connect the site eISFs directly into your eTMF for easy document collection that keeps you inspection ready and accelerates TMF submission.

Provide Sites with Long-Term Archiving

Long-term archiving on the Site Enablement Platform ensures sites maintain compliant and inspection ready records in alignment with global and regional guidelines.

Maintain a Lasting Infrastructure at the Site

Once sites are set-up on the platform, activating your next study with them is simple. This allows you to reuse existing infrastructure instead of rebuilding the connections for every study.

Simplify & Scale Your Studies


Rated #1 by sites on G2 for ease of use, ease of setup, and customer support


Sites activated on the platform


Countries connected


Site adoption rate


Reduction in site workload


Million workflows per month

Enable Sites, Accelerate Trials

E2E Workflow Automation

Manage and automate all workflows in one place.Ā  Create, edit, sign, gather and review eISFs, eTMFs, and eBinders all within the platform.

Open Integrations

No need for sites to reinvent their workflows.Ā  We integrate with many systems, so sites can work with you while continuing to use their own custom workflows.

Site Intelligence

Gain deep insights into site operations on a global scale with the ability to zoom in on a single document at an individual site. Track compliance and performance with our reporting and analytics dashboards.

Site Activation Teams

Onboarding and adoption take just a few clicks with the help of our Site Activation Teams. Florence is rated #1 on G2 for ease of use, ease of setup, and customer support.

Remote Monitoring

Monitor multiple sites around the world in realtime — all on one dashboard. Now, no protocol deviations, errors, or compliance problems go unnoticed.

Trusted by Sponsors,
Loved by Sites

Make Sites Happy

(Your CRAs Will Thank You Too)

Sponsor & CRO Solutions

Study Organizer

Deploy all of your study information including software logins, key contact information, critical study information and other important information directly to sites in one place. Track site staff changes, software logins, and key activity throughout the study.


Activate sites remotely and centralize tasks and workflows across all sites.Ā 

Sync eBinders, eConsent forms, and eISFs between you and your sites, through a constant digital connection.Ā 

Included solutions deployed to every site in your study:



Easily manage your trial master file electronically and sync it directly with every sites eISF through SiteLink.

Let’s Cure Clinical
Trials Together